Alex Mitov: about me
Born and raised in the land of the mythical and enigmatic Thracians, the beautiful South European country of Bulgaria, I received my master’s degree in physics from the oldest modern Bulgarian university.
The university, established in 1888, is named after St. Clement of Ohrid – a IX-th century Bulgarian scholar, often linked to the invention and popularisation of the Cyrillic alphabet, who was also a prolific writer and translator.
For my graduate studies, I relocated to the beautiful Upstate New York. I obtained my PhD degree in Physics from the University of Rochester.
Subsequently, I have held research positions at:
- the University of Hawaii, Manoa
- DESY, Berlin (as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow)
- Stony Brook University (as the inaugural LHC Theory Initiative Fellow)
Currently, I am a Professor at the Cavendish Laboratory (the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge) and an Official Fellow of Emmanuel College (part of the University of Cambridge). My work is supported by:
- The STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship Scheme
- ERC Consolidator grant “New level of theoretical precision for LHC Run 2 and beyond“