B-hadron fragmentation at NNLO, including LHAPDF fragmentation grids to B-hadrons, J/psi and soft muons.
Processes with heavy flavors and/or jets
Electronic files with various NNLO QCD predictions.
FastNLO tables (ttbar at LHC)
FastNLO tables with NNLO top-quark-pair differential distributions for LHC 13 TeV.
NNLO QCD + NLO EW (ttbar at LHC)
Electronic files and additional plots for top-quark-pair differential distributions in NNLO QCD + NLO EW.
Some pure QCD results (ttbar at LHC)
Electronic files and additional plots for stable top-quark-pair production in NNLO QCD.
ttbar production and decay at NNLO in QCD
Electronic files and additional plots for realistic top-pair final states (dilepton channel).
Two-loop QCD amplitudes
Electronic files with various two-loop results for QCD amplitudes.