- Lecturer: Alex Mitov
- Slides are available here.
- Finalized Lecture Times:
- Thu 14 Nov: 12-2pm
- Fri 15 Nov: 1:30-3:00 pm << Cavendish Lab, Mott seminar room
- Location: Cavendish Lab, Mott seminar room
Flavour Physics
- Lecturer: Matt Kenzie
- Proposed Lecture Times:
- Easter Term, TBD
- Location: Cavendish Lab, TBD
BSM Physics
- Lecturer: Ben Gripaios
- Proposed Lecture Times:
- In Easter Term, details TBD.
- Location: TBD
Particle detection technologies
NOTE: This is a series of lectures on related topics
- Intro: Passage of particles through matter
- Lectures:
- Lecturer: Oleg Brandt
- Problems: passage of particles through matter
- Lecturer: Oleg Brandt
- Lectures:
- Calorimeters
- Lectures:
- Lecturer: David Petyt
- Problems:
- Lecturer: David Petyt and Oleg Brandt
- Lectures:
- Gaseous detectors
- Lectures:
- Lecturer: Giulio Aielli
- Problems:
- Lecturer: Giulio Aielli
- Lectures:
- Semiconductor detectors
- Lectures:
- Lecturer: Bart Hommels
- Problems:
- Lecturer: Bart Hommels
- Lectures:
- Trackers vs calorimeters, PFlow
- Lectures:
- Lecturer: TBD
- Problems:
- Lecturer: TBD
- Lectures:
- Reconstruction algorithms and DAQ systems
- Lecturer: Chris Jones
- Lectures:
- Problems:
- Lecturer: Chris Jones
Topics relating to Probability and Statistics in HEP
- Lecturer: Chris Lester
- Finalized Lecture Times:
- Location: TBD
Search Strategies, limit setting and discoveries at the LHC and beyond
- Lecturer: Oleg Brandt
- Finalized Lecture Times:
- TBD <– Location: TBD
- Problem sheet No 1 and Problem sheet No 2.
Syllabus: Hypothesis testing, the CLs method (central to understanding searches at the LHC) using the hunt for the Higgs boson at LEP, Tevatron, and the LHC for illustration, followed by representative examples how searches are designed.
Important information:
In order to follow and fully benefit from the lecture, the students are expected read two papers beforehand:
- The famous overview paper on the CLs method by Alex Read
- The original ATLAS Higgs observation paper
Additional reading for the students (may be helpful for the understanding):