Part III Major Topic: Particle Physics (2018-19)

Lecturer: Dr. Alexander Mitov

Term: Michaelmas 2018

First lecture: 5 Oct 2018

Lectures: Mon, Wed, Fri @ 11am (Small Lecture Theater)

Link to the Teaching Information System webpage

NEW: Summer student program at CERN

An opportunity for summer research at CERN! Might be of interest to Part II and Part III students. The application deadline is in January!


Information about supervisions

The supervisors for the course are Holly Pacey and Herschel Chawdhry. All students registered for the course may visit the Doodle poll here and specify their availability for the course supervisions.

Lecture Handouts
  1. Introduction, Decay Rates and Cross-sections
  2. The Dirac Equation and Spin
  3. Interaction by Particle Exchange
  4. Electron Positron Annihilation
  5. Electron-proton scattering
  6. Deep-inelastic scattering
  7. Symmetries and the Quark Model
  8. QCD and Colour
  9. V-A and the Weak Interaction
  10. Leptonic Weak Interactions
  11. Neutrino Oscillations   (Note: all appendices in Handout 11 are non-examinable)
  12. The CKM Matrix and CP Violation
  13. Electroweak Unification and the W and Z bosons
  14. Precision Tests of the Standard Model

Examples sheets
  1. Example sheet 1
  2. Example sheet 2
  3. Example sheet 3
  4. Example sheet 4

Past tripos papers with worked solutions
  1. 2017 (solutions)
  2. 2016 (solutions)
  3. 2015 (solutions)
  4. 2014 (solutions)
  5. 2013 (solutions)

This course is based on the book “Modern Particle Physics” by Prof. Mark Thomson of The Cavendish.


Typos etc
  • H01, page 31 (middle of page): “The quantity F=2E1 …” (v1+v1) should read (v1+v2).
  • H02, page 81 (just under eq D16): “(D15) determines …”: D15 should read D16.